
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you will ever have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” Eckhart Tolle

Thank you for being here, a calm place on the web I created for you to find out if you would like to work with me. 

I warmly welcome you to explore what is here, while also feeling free to contact me, if you have further questions. 

For now, let’s dive into how I can be of service to you.

Serving You

Working with me is meant as an opportunity to be with yourself and journey into yourself. In a so-called ‘Presence Session’ I will hold space for you and allow for Presence to arise.

As you can imagine, I – as a person – do not have all the answers, but in the Stillness and depth of both our being there is great wisdom to be found. Whatever it is that is perhaps challenging for you at this time, together we can bring a sense of peace and clarity around it. If you prefer not to talk, we can of course just sit in Stillness.

The aim is for you to feel lighter, calmer and more in touch with the truth of who you are in your essence. You will also receive tools to help you embody this essence in your daily life.

If you are already on the spiritual path and experienced with practicing Presence, or mindfulness perhaps, this could be a wonderful opportunity to deepen your practice, expand in Consciousness and shed light on remaining places of unrest and unease.

What to expect and prepare?

Before we meet, feel free to send me a short introduction of yourself and what your intention and wishes are for our session. This is not obligated, as it will also come up in the session itself. You might want to prepare a question, challenge or concern that you would like to be addressed during our time together.

We will start and end each session with a meditation (no experience required). The rest of the session will take on the form of whatever arises in the moment. A notebook for key takeaways might be helpful.

Sessions can be held in English or in Dutch. Please know that everything you share is held in confidence. I welcome you to feel safe, loved and appreciated as you are.

How to book a session?

Simply contact me and let me know your availability, so we can schedule a session or trajectory together. If desired, we can plan a free introductory meeting first, to establish our connection. We can then decide if I am the right fit for you. No obligations.

What are the costs?

  • Presence Session – €125
  • Package of 3 Sessions – €345
  • Package of 5 Sessions – €525

Different trajectories are possible. Prices are excluding VAT (21% BTW). You can pay via PayPal or Tikkie (Netherlands). If you would like an invoice, I can email this to you. 

Appointments can be rescheduled until the day before, no-shows will be charged €50. 

If you cannot afford a session, but feel this is for you, please email me. Shortly describe your situation, so I can accommodate you.

About Sheryl Lynn

For Presence to arise in a session, it is important that ‘Sheryl the person’ steps aside. However, you might want to know a bit more about me, in relation to these sessions. Practicing Presence became a central part in my life, when I started to listen to the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. His teachings are the foundation of what I offer.  

In 2018 I was led to purchase Eckhart’s 10-hr retreat recording ‘The Journey Into Yourself’. I could hardly put it down. I remember laughing so much at the many ways he described the ego at play, as I clearly recognized my own. It was such a relief and a beautiful invitation of Life to become free. Free of my suffering and limited sense of self. 

Countless (audio)books and courses – by other teachers as well – followed on my spiritual journey, which went hand in hand with my healing journey. This healing journey started a little earlier, after I suffered a severe burnout in 2014, but accelerated since 2018. To me, the most profound teachings remained those of Eckhart Tolle. As well as the channeled work ‘A Course In Miracles’

A transformation took place from a fearful person that was very preoccupied with ‘doing’ and ‘achieving’ as much and as fast as she could, in order to validate her worth, to a more embodied being who now enjoys a slower pace and feels a great sense of joy and peace, without the need to achieve and with a better understanding of who I truly am. 

By no means do I now consider myself fully healed or consistently present. There is more to learn, undo and practice. But I know there is enough Presence awareness in me to share it with those whom Life puts on my path.

In 2023 I completed ‘The Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening: Becoming a Teacher of Presence’. This was a five-month training I initially took on for my own deepening of Presence. It soon became clear to me that I was also called to share Presence in a more formal setting. That’s how this website and service gradually came to life. 

It is my wish to serve you in a way that supports and honors your own journey home to Self. In serving you, I serve Life, and it is my greatest pleasure.

Profile Picture - Sheryl Lynn


Here are some reviews from coachees who have benefited from coaching with me. They were kind enough to share their honest experiences, which might help you get the information you need.

“Thank you for our session and for the email with beautiful tools. I really enjoyed it and am happy to have welcomed you into my life. I feel at ease with you and can therefore open up well, and by opening up to you, I also open up to myself. This week I will apply the tips.”Casper

‘Sheryl has this natural ability of truly listening and hearing someone. This, alongside her warm, compassionate and trusting demeanour have made my coaching trajectory with her truly transformative. The matters where I felt stuck in life were unpacked in such a graceful manner, allowing me to work through these sometimes deeply rooted patterns in a clear and soft yet empowering way. Sheryl’s wisdom and kind spirit have helped me tremendously, resulting me to now feel more present, enlivened and connected.’Carmen

“The coaching is great, I regularly do the breathing exercises in combination with meditation.”Heiko

“What a wonderful, relaxing session with Sheryl! Even though I didn’t have any ‘insurmountable challenges’ in my life when I booked the session, I did run into some issues in my daily patterns. I wanted to share this with someone for a second opinion. Sheryl took the time to listen (sincerely!) and provided valuable advice. But above all: through Sheryl’s two guided meditations I have experienced and learned that deep within myself there is an enormous source of peace, which I can connect to whenever I need it. What an eye-opener! I will definitely be back for more sessions with Sheryl, and I think her sessions would benefit many others, as a beautiful gift to themselves!”Maurits


To book a session, plan a free introductory meeting, or ask questions (kindly check FAQ first), you can contact me via email or simply fill out the contact form below. If you would like to communicate via phone or Whatsapp, please add your phone number as well. I look forward to your message!

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Sheryl Lynn Management
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
KVK: 53243358
BTW: NL001623025B78

Thank you for being here. Warmest wishes from my heart to yours.

“Love is here, always” – Sheryl Lynn

I would like to give thanks to Wolter van der Let (Random-IT) for assisting me with this website and to James Cheney (Cheney Media Productions) for the video and images.