Serving You

Working with me is meant as an opportunity to be with yourself and journey into yourself. In a so-called ‘Presence Session’ I will hold space for you and allow for Presence to arise.

As you can imagine, I – as a person – do not have all the answers, but in the Stillness and depth of both our being there is great wisdom to be found. Whatever it is that is perhaps challenging for you at this time, together we can bring a sense of peace and clarity around it. If you prefer not to talk, we can of course just sit in Stillness.

The aim is for you to feel lighter, calmer and more in touch with the truth of who you are in your essence. You will also receive tools to help you embody this essence in your daily life.

If you are already on the spiritual path and experienced with practicing Presence, or mindfulness perhaps, this could be a wonderful opportunity to deepen your practice, expand in Consciousness and shed light on remaining places of unrest and unease.

What to expect and prepare?

Before we meet, feel free to send me a short introduction of yourself and what your intention and wishes are for our session. This is not obligated, as it will also come up in the session itself. You might want to prepare a question, challenge or concern that you would like to be addressed during our time together.

We will start and end each session with a meditation (no experience required). The rest of the session will take on the form of whatever arises in the moment. A notebook for key takeaways might be helpful.

Sessions can be held in English or in Dutch. Please know that everything you share is held in confidence. I welcome you to feel safe, loved and appreciated as you are.

How to book a session?

Simply contact me and let me know your availability, so we can schedule a session or trajectory together. If desired, we can plan a free introductory meeting first, to establish our connection. We can then decide if I am the right fit for you. No obligations.

What are the costs?

  • Presence Session – €125
  • Package of 3 Sessions – €345
  • Package of 5 Sessions – €525

Different trajectories are possible. Prices are excluding VAT (21% BTW). You can pay via PayPal or Tikkie (Netherlands). If you would like an invoice, I can email this to you. 

Appointments can be rescheduled until the day before, no-shows will be charged €50. 

If you cannot afford a session, but feel this is for you, please email me. Shortly describe your situation, so I can accommodate you.